At McKinnon, we value time together during the week to grow in our relationships with God and each other, especially during the week when the pressures of work and other responsibilities can often be weighing on us. It is always good to meet together and prayer over our various needs as well as study the Bible to see what how we can apply to our daily lives.
As it says in Ecclesiastes 4:12 “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” We see these weekly study times as opportunities to encourage one another in the Lord. We are able to grow stronger in the Lord and our walk when we meet regularly with other Christians.
Prayer and Study
Fortnightly on Wednesday evenings, we gather together in either homes or at the church building for a time of prayer and study.
On the opposite Wednesday evenings, we gather together at the church for a time of prayer, starting at 7:30pm.
Thursday evenings a group of young adults from McKinnon and Frankston meet together to encourage each other in evangelism, discipleship and community care.
Midweek groups and and midweek prayer are held throughout the year except during school holidays.
Youth Group
The youth group at McKinnon exists to come alongside parents in the discipleship of their children, providing opportunities for learning and building relationships within the church. The youth of McKinnon meet twice a month, together with the youth in Frankston RPC. The focus alternates between a bible study and a fellowship activity.